Solar Solutions
for Private Businesses
Combine iDEAL's solar program with innovative financing solutions that further reduce upfront costs —
Solar just makes good business sense for
companies in Minnesota.
Start Making Money Now!
Cash Purchase
These on balance sheet transactions typically result in a payback of ~4 years with a ~30% IRR.
Traditional Financing
These on balance sheet transactions are financed by third-party banks and result in a cashflow positive investment Day 1.
PACE Financing
These off balance sheet transactions are financed as a property tax assessment with options for terms of 5-20 years, require no personal guarantees, and are cashflow positive Day 1.
Have Questions?
In Xcel Energy territory, commercial solar projects usually pay for themselves in approximately 4 - 5 years. Other utilities may differ in their payback time. Systems are paid for by using a combination of tax benefits (65%) and energy savings (35%).
iDEAL offers a variety of innovative financing options that will result in a cashflow positive investment - Day 1.
Contact iDEAL to discuss the financing option that is right for you.
NO! iDEAL Energies works with your roofing vendor to follow their specific roof warranty overburden requirements to assure that your existing roof warranty stays intact with solar installed.
Making sure your roof warranty stays intact is integral part of our standard process.
Yes! The energy savings from your solar array will help pay for your new roof.
Taking down and reinstalling the solar panels during a roof replacement event costs approximately one year of energy savings and is typically financed with the roof cost.
Solar arrays require minimal maintenance. In MN, there is no need to clean the solar arrays or to remove snow during winter months. Our financial modeling takes this into account.
iDEAL Energies provides a low cost O&M contract for all systems resulting in a hands-off investment for all of our customers.
6 - 9 months
Installation time varies with system size, utility programs leveraged, time to receive utility interconnection approval, and weather.
iDEAL Energies completes the installation of your solar array with minimal impact on your day-to-day activities.
iDEAL Energies offers design consulting services to our new construction customers to ensure that buildings are designed to be solar capable and installing solar becomes a seamless part of the construction process.
Yes! Phasing out fossil fuels is causing utilities to upgrade their infrastructure. This means raising rates for all their customers.
(For example, Xcel just proposed raising its rates 20+% over 3 years)
By installing a solar array now, you will lock in your current energy costs during the payback period. After the payback period, you will save on your bottom line by receiving free energy from your solar array for its remaining life (typically ~40 years).